About the company

Taured S.A is a company with a dynamic development curve. We do not yet have a long list of success stories to share, but we are ready to demonstrate our portfolio of major projects.

Our mission

The reason we decided to create our own project management company, Taured S.A., is that we believe we know what is missing in big business today.


Nuclear Medicine: Cutting Cancer Mortality by a Quarter

Oncologist and Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Aleksey Butenko, reveals the specifics behind PET-CT and why this diagnostic method is vital.

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A network of nuclear medicine centres to cover Russia

A country-wide network of nuclear medicine centres is being set up in Russia. The project is conducted by “PET-Technology”, a company belonging to the RUSNANO group, with the participation of private investors. The idea is to create modern highly specialized diagnostic centres based on a method called positron-emission computerized tomography (PET/CT). This is one of the most promising methods for diagnosing cancers, as well as heart and neurological diseases.

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Positron-emission computerized tomography (PET/CT) is one of the main methods applied to diagnose malignant tumours and control the efficacy of their treatment with the use of radiopharmaceuticals.

PET/CT technology is used throughout the world in order to diagnose diseases in the following areas:

ONCOLOGY – approximately 90%

CARDIOLOGY – approximately 5%

NEUROLOGY – approximately 5%


According to global data drawn from the 2012 GLOBOCAN project of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), in 2012:

- 14.1 million new cases of cancer were detected  

- 8.2 million persons died of cancer

- 32.6 million patients were being followed for cancer








Anatomical methods: ultrasound

Advantages of the method

Disadvantages of the method

- safe for human beings

- wide-spread availability and affordability of ultrasound equipment

- user-friendly procedure

- speed of the examination and rapid availability of the results

- low resolution of the imaging

Anatomical methods: magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Advantages of the method

Disadvantages of the method

- no exposure to radiation for the patient

- possibility of obtaining a clear image

- excellent contrast resolution, unlike the ultrasound method

- impossibility of obtaining a functional diagnosis in order to define the level of activity of tissues or of a cell group

Anatomical methods :  computerized tomography (CT):

Advantages of the method

Disadvantages of the method

- image produced layer by layer

- high spatial resolution

- possibility of creating 3-D models of organs and tissues


-  danger of ionizing radiation

-  impossibility of obtaining a functional diagnosis in order to define the level of activity of tissues or of a cell group

Functional methods: positron-emission tomography (PET):

Advantages of the method

Disadvantages of the method

- unique sensitivity

- high spatial resolution

- possibility of adding biogenic elements to the composition of radiopharmaceuticals in order to detect processes specific to a given disease

- provides data on the functional status of tissues presenting pathological modifications

- possibility of adapting the treatment strategy

-  visualisation of the metabolical and functional activity of the pathological  nidus, but to a lesser extent of the anatomical and morphological characteristics


Anatomical and functional methods:  positron-emission computerized tomography (PET/CT)

Advantages in comparison with the above-mentioned methods:

-  assessment of the functional and biochemical parameters of the organism

- early diagnosis and clear definition of the cancer stage

- clear distinction between benign and malignant tumours

- detection of primary tumours and metastases with one single procedure

- possibility of assessing the efficacy of the administered therapy and applied treatment

- high sensitivity and specificity

- detection of small-sized cancerous tumours


        Russia                       Austria                 Japan                 USA


Availability of PET-scanners per capita

USA – 1 scanner for 300’000 persons

Europe – 1 scanner for 1 million persons

Russia -  1 scanner for 8 million persons

TAURED S.à.r.l. 18, rue Siggy vu Lëtzebuerg, L-1933 Luxembourg
Phone: +352 24836958 Fax: +352 24836959

© 2009 Taured S.à.r.l.